“Shiny Ice” tells the story of the frosty winter that asserts its sparkling empire in the silence of the north. The window Rock Crystal with its matt surface reflects the white surface of an icy lake. The polished windows in the gemstone's surface open glimpses into a world where the purity of snow and the depth of clear skies merge.

The Fluorite, shimmering in different colors, embodies the versatility of ice, which changes colors depending on the light. These gemstones tell the story of clarity, understanding of complexities, order and flexibility, because like ice that shapes and adapts, Fluorite supports the ability to adapt to life's changes while maintaining inner clarity .

"Shiny Ice" is more than just a piece of jewelry - it is a journey into the frosty splendor of winter. The glittering appearance of the bracelet reflects not only the radiant ice, but also the inner clarity and purity that Rock Crystal and Fluorite symbolize.

Wear "Shiny Ice" with the idea of letting life take its course and adjusting to it flexibly.

15% discount if order value exceeds 200,00€ - not combinable with discount codes!



Tax included.

Product Information:
  • Diameter of gemstones is 8 mm.
  • Jeweler's professional silicone band is used for threading.
  • We grant a 2 year full warranty on the bracelet.
Girth of the bracelet. Please select here::

Description of the gems

Symbolas Pferde-Welten

Window Rock Crystal

Due to its purity and clarity, rock crystal conveys a clear perception, neutrality, a 'good nose' for the right time and an eye for the essentials. It focuses the thoughts on the set goal and can revive skills that were believed lost. It helps to overcome self-imposed mental limits. The rock crystal brings us clarity, order and harmony and gives us vitality and inner peace. It supports us in reflection, self-knowledge, wisdom and self-confidence. It fills us with positive energy, joy and happiness and gives us inner peace, mental clarity and serenity. The window rock crystal has a frosted surface on which small round spots are polished, so that one can look into the inside of the transparent sphere like through a window.

Symbolas Pferde-Welten


The core theme of the fluorite always is the freedom of decision, because it helps to become aware of heteronomy and to quickly dissolve unwanted influences. It makes creative and inventive. Suppressed feelings can be brought to mind through it and fluorite helps to make this happen. It is emotionally stabilizing, promotes self-confidence, mental clarity and quick understanding.